Elliot J Carey
A graphical representation of the view from Doi Pui Northern Thailand

Hey there, welcome

let me tell you about the time I was bitten by a turtle....🐢

Picture this, its 2012 the world it turns out wasn't ending and Queen of England had just skydived into a stadium and 5,500 miles away I was being introduced for the first time to introduced to programming in Python. At first I was a bit overwhelmed, but then one day my teacher showed me a library called Python Turtles. and I was hooked. Getting that little turtle to roam around the screen and coding it to draw little lines and shapes at will fascinated me. Combined with some randomness, I could produce interesting patterns. My computer science course went from dull and scary to a fun challege. It wasn't long before I was thoroughly hooked. Since then I have enjoyed dabbling with code wheneever I could.

I have a lot to thankful for, to this computer sciencce teacher, beyond helping me get over my reluctance to code. He had one rule in his class that particularly impacted me. He would refuse to answer a question unless you could prove to him that you had researched it first if you could show him that the documentation, Forums and Google searches hadn't got you to the answer you were looking for, he would help, otherwise he would send you back out. As a student I remember find this deeply frustrating, but I have come to be hugely greatful to this teacher for teaching me how to teach myself.

Many years have passed and my life has taken a variety of surprising twists and turns, and I have continued to try to find ways to practice coding and teach myself new and exciting things. during my time at University I spent a lot of time working with large ammounts of data, and following on from that I have done several jobs requiring an understanding of data manaipulation and management. My simmering interst in computer science has never really gone away and I have been involved in part of the team that developed and maintained two websites for different charitable organisations.

While working on these websites, and subsequently while managing them I strongly desired to understand the process better and be better able to work with the websites. So when the opportunity to participate in the IT Online Web and Software Developer training programme arose I was instantly interested. It has been a very exciting process, learning to code for the web, however, it has been very satisfying and I have found myself amazed at how much there is to learn and yet how quickly I have been able to start to make progress.

I am looking forward to digging deeper into the realm of coding and software development and excited to find opportunities where I can continue to grow and develop.

Intersting Projects

  • Wireless Aircon Remote

    An IoT project

    Mini web server controlling infrared remote

  • Kidney Health Calculator

    A tool for pharmacists

    Mini JavaScript Calculator for kidney health calculations

  • ITOL Projects

    A collection of coursework projects

    A Variety of projects completed during my course.
